
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path.


Kategori: Allmänt

Awfully bad at updating by the looks of it, but I would like to say that it's because a lot of things is going on all the time, and I enjoy every single thing. Fair enough, it takes 10 minutes to blog and surely I have more time than that to spare everyday.. Florida has been very cold in January "cold" actually degrees as low as 5-10, which I guess isnt cold compared to Swe but still cold. I'm doing Track again this year, or I'm training to run for Conference in April something, so til then it's just to get some extra fitness in, even though it's a bit too early to train at 7 am, my body is too damaged now though so even though I have a morning off I'm awake by 6.30 ish anyways. Soccer started Feb 1st as well, which is superduperduber fun, I have really missed not playing since Dec, even though this spring semester seems to include a lot of running, which isnt as fun, not at all tbh. I really really really love my team thou, every single one on that team is on my tophitfavorite list whatever and I'm happy to spend every day out there with them working hard for fall semester. This weekend we all worked together at the annually Smoke Inn event, where we serve rich people food, drinks, and cigarrs a whole day, and this year def peaked it, it was so so fun and I just wanna do it again already, hopefully we made a lot of money too, we'll see later this week after they've counted everything. I worked Sunday as well, babysitting, all day.. 8-9.30pm on 4 h of sleep, something I definitely recommend. No but seriously couldnt have asked for a better job, bc the 2 kids are just so awesome :)
So to say something about school maybe... but I cant really say that I'm anxious about it because I really like all of them, or some exceptions maybe but nothing I can't handle, not too much homework etc etiher whichs makes life very easy for me hähääh. atleast time to work, and work a little bit more. 
And one more thing. spring break in 11 days WHICH MEANS ME AND EMMA ARE GOINT TO NEW YORK IN 11 DAYS!!!!!!! SO SO EXCITED :D :D :D